New Year Wish

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

One year

One year.  So much can happen in just one short year.  A sweet precious newborn grows and learns.  One day they are sleeping most of the day and love to snuggle up against your chest and the next day they are walking and saying "mama" and it melts your heart.  The year is full of firsts!  First car ride home, first bath, first time meeting family, first full night of sleep, first time eating , first time rolling over, first smile, first laugh, first tooth, first time sitting up, first vacation, first word, and on and on.  It is truly amazing to watch your baby grow and thrive that first year.
Lila a few hours old

Brendan and Lila on our way home
Giving Lila kisses (one of my favorite pictures)
Lila just waking up on her 1st birthday!
Lila being silly!
Getting a ride in her birthday sled!

We feel so blessed that Lila was born full-term and we were able to bring her home the next day from the hospital.  I remember saying more than once, "A newborn is totally different than a 4 week old preemie."  It was perfect and I wouldn't trade it for anything.  I feel so blessed to have gone through both experiences with my babies and was so much more grateful for Lila arriving right on her due date.

Happy Birthday sweet Lila!  You are a joy and bring so much happiness to everyone you know.  We all love you so very much.


Jason said...

I'll second everything above, and add that I feel blessed to have a loving wife and son full of energy on top of the blessings of my precious baby girl.

Unknown said...

Marie and Jason you are AWESOME parents! You are very blessed to have two wonderful children! Very proud of you guys! Sending love to you all ... XOXO Hugs & Kisses!

Happy 1st Birthday Lila!

The Life We Love said...

New reader here. LOVE your bows! Excited to keep reading. We have two little girls!

Marie said...


Katie said...

I love this post! Happy 1st Birthday sweet girl! It is so encouraging to hear that you had a full term baby after a preemie! I can imagine that was the best feeling in the world getting to bring your baby home with you the next day. I am sure she had a few headbands waiting for her, too! :)

Marie said...

Thank you Katie!