New Year Wish

Monday, April 18, 2011

March for Babies Monday: Our first few weeks at home

Here is a glimpse at our first few weeks home with Brendan...

My mom was waiting for us when we arrived home that night with Brendan.  We couldn't believe they let us bring home something that small!  Thanks to Jason our new apartment was all ready for our little family of three. 
We had a strict feeding schedule with Brendan and were advised to set our alarm clock at night for every three hours.  Jason and I alternated feeding him throughout the night and were both able to get 6 hours of sleep at a time.  I had a habit of feeding him and then just holding him and watching him sleep and I know Jason would have lots of cuddle time on the couch after his time as well.

We took Brendan on his first outing to the pediatrician.  He did very well and slept most of the time.

He looked so cute sleeping in his bassinet.  I took many pictures of him like this and this bassinet is on wheels so we would just push him around the apartment to whichever room we were in and watch him sleep.
He spent lots of time with Daddy in the living room.  They are best buddies!!!

Brendan had his first visitors.  His Aunt Jaymie and Uncle Joe and cousins Xavier and Nola.  We also celebrated Xavier's 4th birthday.  Brendan's first party!
Brendan spent a lot of time sleeping in his papasan seat as well.  He was not ever fussy or sad.  Just content to be cuddled.

He had his first bath time at home.  He was not excited by it but looked so cute wrapped up in his bath towel!

My brother, Hailey, my grandma, Brendan, and I

He had his first trip to Ohio (after a couple of weeks home) to visit his new cousin Hailey!  He was lucky because he had lots of cousins born shortly after he was born! 

Our first family walk.  Brendan slept the whole time but it was nice to get out and enjoy the fresh spring air!

The first month or so at home we were told not to take him out to public places (stores, mall, restaurants, etc...).  We had our regular doctor appointments, opthamologist appointment, and synagis shots (once a month) and visited family.  I did not return to my teaching job and took the rest of the year off.  My six week leave would have been up 2 weeks after he came home.  He needed me at home and that is where I wanted to be. 

I always felt I was cheated out of those last 10 weeks of pregnancy until just recently I read on another blog a mom describing her "bonus" time with her preemie.  I loved that statement.  We were blessed with 10 weeks bonus time with Brendan and I would not trade this experience for anything.
My bonus time

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